Artistic Director, Debra Whitfield recently directed "The Amorous Ambassador," by Michael Parker at The Amateur Comedy Club. The quaint private theatrical club is housed in charming Sniffen Court in Murray Hill. The show ran from May 2nd-May 14th.
We moved the setting from the '90's to the '60's, which opened the door to fabulous "British Invasion" music (Ed Matthew, Sound Design) and Carnaby Street fashions (Costume Design by Janice O'Donnell). Throw in a few more risqué bits of business, and spice was added to an already sexy, romp. The cast below featured Sam Fortenbaugh, KellyRose Marry, Leah Schwartz, Stan Goldberg, Kaitlyn Mitchell, Alex Craven, Alice Lustig and Chris Galiardo.
photo credit: Rob Klein